Hawaii Two-0 Progress Report
H20 Observing Runs
NEP HSC Photometery
NEP Keck SpectrAoscopy
Subaru HSC — Lost 4 nights due to earthquakes
Subaru HSC — Lost 3 nights due to earthquakes
2 successful nights (Jan 1&2)
Subaru HSC — 4 nights awarded, May 29&30 (2nd half), July 26—31 (1st half)
Subaru HSC — 4 (+1) nights requested
Keck II DEIMOS — 3 (+2) nights requested
Archival Data
Through diligent searching of the archives we already have NEP HSC data from the HEROES and AKARI-NEP projects, and CDFS data from a collection of various small projects. These archival data make up for nearly the entirety of the HSC time lost in 2018.
All data are being re-reduced at the IfA (by A. Repp & C. McPartland) using the latest photometric/astrometric calibrations from Pan-STARRS and Gaia, along with the latest version (6.7) of the HSC data reduction pipeline.
Summary of Progress by Semester
Semester 1: S18A
- 4 nights of HSC time lost to EARTHQUAKE
- Kick-off meeting to decide observing strategy for Hawaii Two-0 project
- Consult with IfA transient experts on optimizing survey strategy for supernova detection
- Prepare Spitzer SLS data in order to construct full SEDs with HSC data
- Setup HSC pipeline on UH Cray
- Secure funding for two IfA grad students to work on H20 program
- Preliminary image reduction and catalog
Prepare and execute first Subaru HSC observations in NEP -
Preliminary NEP photo-z catalog including stellar masses -
First selection of high-z candidates in NEP for follow-up spectroscopy
Semester 2: S18B
- 3 nights of HSC time lost to EARTHQUAKE
- Present IfA talk on first semester progress and data availability
- Confirm depth requirements of the H20 Observations using COSMOS HSC data
- Identify z=4-7 dropouts in COSMOS HSC data to estimate H20 final outcomes
- Finalize Spitzer data reduction pipeline
- Prepare and execute first Subaru HSC observations in NEP
- Preliminary NEP photo-z catalog including stellar masses
- First selection of high-z candidates in NEP for follow-up spectroscopy
- Prepare and execute first Subaru HSC observations in CDFS
- Produce preliminary stacked images and photometric catalogs for CDFS
- Produce preliminary photo-z and stellar mass catalog for CDFS
- First selection of high-z candidates in CDFS for follow-up spectroscopy (see the Science Page)
- Finalize first data release for NEP
Semester 3: S19A
- 4 nights of HSC time awarded, May 29&30 (2nd half), July 26—31 (1st half)
- First selection of high-z candidates in NEP for follow-up spectroscopy
- Preliminary NEP photo-z catalog including stellar masses
- Prepare updated images and catalogs for NEP & CDFS
- Preliminary measurements of Galaxy Two-Point Correlation Function
- Preliminary measurements of Galaxy-Dark Matter bias (see figure at right, and the Science Page)
- Prepare and execute first Subaru HSC observations in NEP
- Execute first round of CDFS spectroscopic follow-up
- Finalize first data release for CDFS
Semester 4: S19B
- Submitted IfA observing time proposal for 4 (+1) nights with Subaru HSC and 3 (+2) nights with Keck II DEIMOS
- Finalize first data release for NEP
- Continue spectroscopic follow-up
- Finalize second data release for NEP
- Prepare updated data release for CDFS
Semester 5: S20A
Continue spectroscopic follow-up
Finalize second data release for CDFS
Prepare final release candidate for NEP images and catalog
Semester 6: S20B
- Conduct final spectroscopic follow-up
- Prepare final release candidate for CDFS images and catalog
After End of LCP:
- Produce final public data release of NEP and CDFS
Institute for Astronomy
Manoa 808 956-8312
Hilo 808 932-2300
Maui 808 573-9500
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