Hawaii Two-0 Progress Report
H20 Observing Runs
NEP HSC Photometery
NEP Keck SpectrAoscopy
Subaru HSC — Lost 4 nights due to earthquakes
Subaru HSC — Lost 3 nights due to earthquakes
2 successful nights (Jan 1&2)
Subaru HSC — 4 nights awarded, May 29&30 (2nd half), July 26—31 (1st half)
Subaru HSC — 4 (+1) nights requested
Keck II DEIMOS — 3 (+2) nights requested
Archival Data
Through diligent searching of the archives we already have NEP HSC data from the HEROES and AKARI-NEP projects, and CDFS data from a collection of various small projects. These archival data make up for nearly the entirety of the HSC time lost in 2018.
All data are being re-reduced at the IfA (by A. Repp & C. McPartland) using the latest photometric/astrometric calibrations from Pan-STARRS and Gaia, along with the latest version (6.7) of the HSC data reduction pipeline.
Summary of Progress by Semester
Semester 1: S18A
- 4 nights of HSC time lost to EARTHQUAKE
Kick-off meeting to decide observing strategy for Hawaii Two-0 project
Consult with IfA transient experts on optimizing survey strategy for supernova detection
Prepare Spitzer SLS data in order to construct full SEDs with HSC data
Setup HSC pipeline on UH Cray
Secure funding for two IfA grad students to work on H20 program
Preliminary image reduction and catalog
Prepare and execute first Subaru HSC observations in NEP -
Preliminary NEP photo-z catalog including stellar masses -
First selection of high-z candidates in NEP for follow-up spectroscopy

Semester 2: S18B
- 3 nights of HSC time lost to EARTHQUAKE
Present IfA talk on first semester progress and data availability
Confirm depth requirements of the H20 Observations using COSMOS HSC data
Identify z=4-7 dropouts in COSMOS HSC data to estimate H20 final outcomes
Finalize Spitzer data reduction pipeline
Prepare and execute first Subaru HSC observations in NEP
Preliminary NEP photo-z catalog including stellar masses
First selection of high-z candidates in NEP for follow-up spectroscopy
Prepare and execute first Subaru HSC observations in CDFS
Produce preliminary stacked images and photometric catalogs for CDFS
Produce preliminary photo-z and stellar mass catalog for CDFS
First selection of high-z candidates in CDFS for follow-up spectroscopy (see the Science Page)
- Finalize first data release for NEP

Semester 3: S19A
- 4 nights of HSC time awarded, May 29&30 (2nd half), July 26—31 (1st half)
First selection of high-z candidates in NEP for follow-up spectroscopy
Preliminary NEP photo-z catalog including stellar masses
Prepare updated images and catalogs for NEP & CDFS
Preliminary measurements of Galaxy Two-Point Correlation Function
Preliminary measurements of Galaxy-Dark Matter bias (see figure at right, and the Science Page)
- Prepare and execute first Subaru HSC observations in NEP
- Execute first round of CDFS spectroscopic follow-up
- Finalize first data release for CDFS

Semester 4: S19B
Submitted IfA observing time proposal for 4 (+1) nights with Subaru HSC and 3 (+2) nights with Keck II DEIMOS
- Finalize first data release for NEP
- Continue spectroscopic follow-up
- Finalize second data release for NEP
- Prepare updated data release for CDFS
Semester 5: S20A
Continue spectroscopic follow-up
Finalize second data release for CDFS
Prepare final release candidate for NEP images and catalog
Semester 6: S20B
- Conduct final spectroscopic follow-up
- Prepare final release candidate for CDFS images and catalog
After End of LCP:
- Produce final public data release of NEP and CDFS
Institute for Astronomy
Manoa 808 956-8312
Hilo 808 932-2300
Maui 808 573-9500
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