California-Hawai’i Astronomy Mentorship Program (CHAMP)

The H20 team at the University of Hawai’i has recently started the California-Hawai’i Astronomy Mentorship Program (CHAMP), a collaborative summer research program with UC Riverside funded by the NSF. CHAMP is designed to share expertise and facilities with the goal of building a partnership that addresses the 2022 Decadal Survey recommendations for Astronomy & Astrophysics. CHAMP will provide research experiences for undergraduate students, and mentorship opportunities for graduate students. This ten week summer program allows UH students to research with our UCR collaborators, and vice versa, culminating in a week of activities and presentations in Hilo.

The program is for ten weeks from June 3 to August 9, 2024. Participants are paid an internship stipend and lodging allowance.