Hawaii Two-0 Science
1. “Euclid Preparation. TBD. The Cosmic Dawn Survey (DAWN) of the Euclid Deep and Auxiliary Fields” (McPartland et al. 2024) – Submitted
2. “Euclid preparation. TBD. Cosmic Dawn Survey: Data release 1 multiwavelength catalogues for Euclid Deep Field North and Euclid Deep Field Fornax” (Zalesky et al. 2024) – Submitted
3. “A Machine Learning Approach to Predict Missing flux Densities in Multi-band Galaxy Surveys” (Chartab et al. 2022)
4. “Hawaii Two-0: high redshift galaxy clustering and bias” (Beck et al. 2020)
5. “Measuring Linear Galaxy Bias at High Redshift using the H20 Survey” (Murphree et al. in prep)
6. “Properties of ~1500 Massive High-Redshift Galaxies in the H20 Survey” (Valdes et al. in prep)
Research Projects
Preliminary Stellar Mass Function
Lead: Zalesky
Spectra Catalogue & Protoclusters
Leads: Chartab, Taamoli
Massive High-Redshift Galaxies
Lead: Valdes
Linear Galaxy-Dark Matter Bias
Lead: Murphree
Stellar-to-Halo Mass
Leads: Shuntov, Zalesky, Weaver
High-Redshift Dropout Galaxies
Lead: McPartland
Cluster Properties & Metallicity
Lead: Murphree
Main-Sequence at High-Redshift
Lead: McPartland
Ultraviolet Luminosity Function
Lead: Allen
Morphology & Mergers
Leads: McPartland, Valdes
High-Redshift Dropout Galaxies
Lead: McPartland
To provide estimates for the ultimate outcomes of the H20 survey, we have identified a sample of high-redshift galaxies using available ultra-deep (limiting mag. ≥27) HSC data in the COSMOS Deep Field. “Dropout” galaxies were selected using standard Lyman break galaxy color selection criteria based on the analysis of Ono et al. (2018). At the conclusion of the H20 observing program, we expect to have a final sample of:
Dropout selection:
Band | Redshift | Detected Sources COSMOS 2 sq. deg |
Expected Sources H20 20 sq. deg |
g | 4 | 72,098 | ~720,000 |
r | 5 | 3,814 | ~40,000 |
i | 6 | 262 | ~3000 |
z | 7 | 46 | ~500 |
Photo-z selection
2,00,000+ galaxies @ z~3
3,00,000+ galaxies @ z~2
Linear Galaxy-Dark Matter Bias
Lead: Murphree
We have developed an analysis pipeline that measures the linear galaxy-dark matter bias for a galaxy survey. In preparation for the H20 survey, we developed this pipeline on the SSP Deep/UltraDeep survey around the COSMOS field. This pipeline can sort sources into dropout bands or redshift bins specified by photometric redshifts. We measure the angular two-point correlation function for each bin and compare it with the expected density power spectrum from concordance cosmology (fit shown in the figure).
Massive High-Redshift Galaxies
Lead: Valdes
Using 4.6 square degrees across the NEP and EDFF fields, we’ve selected a sample of ~1500 galaxies with masses log(M*)>10.5 at 3.5>z>5.8. With this sample, we’ve investigated the mass-size relationship as a function of redshift, in the figure below. We find reasonable agreeement between our fits (blue lines) and Eq. (4) of Mowla et al. (2019), extrapolated to our redshift range using the equations for α and lnA on page 12, paragraph 4 (red lines). Our sources, however, are more compact than predicted based on this extrapolated relationship.
Figures from H20 Proposal
Dark matter density map at 4.3 < z < 5.3 over 20 deg2 , from the Millennium Simulation (Springel et al. 2005), while small rectangle and circle are comparable to CANDELS and COSMOS respectively. Only H20 has the statistical power to study the rare overdensity peaks (dark orange) and cosmic voids (dark purple) as well as characterizing the overall density field needed for cosmology.